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Siamo l'Associazione Glocal

Stiamo riunendo gente del posto, nuovi arrivati, espatriati e residenti globali (Glocals) per assistere nell'integrazione e nel supporto continuo nella comunità di Zugo. Un ambiente sicuro in cui le persone, indipendentemente dalla loro età, nazionalità, sesso, religione o cultura, possono sentirsi benvenute e avere l'opportunità di integrarsi nella loro nuova società, trovare amici e lavorare insieme per crescere, imparare e prosperare.

Special Events

  • Creative Workshop - Abstract Art & Friendship
    Creative Workshop - Abstract Art & Friendship
    lun 04 nov
    04 nov 2024, 19:30 – 22:00
    Cham, Fabrikstrasse 9, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
    04 nov 2024, 19:30 – 22:00
    Cham, Fabrikstrasse 9, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
    Exploring the Profound Connection Between Abstract Art and friendship with Laura from Hands on Art.
  • Infant Feeding/Stilltreff Drop-in
    Infant Feeding/Stilltreff Drop-in
    Date multiple
    mer 13 nov
    Janet's House
    13 nov 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
    Janet's House
    13 nov 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
    Janet's House
    Do you have questions about breastfeeding or feeding your baby in general? Then this meet-up is for you

Gli eventi del mese

Siamo lì per supportarti

Se desideri maggiori informazioni o desideri unirti a uno dei nostri gruppi di comunità online, vai su Facebook e segui il nostroPagina Facebookper informazioni aggiornate e elenchi di eventi. 


Glocal Mums

Location varies - check the WhatsApp Group

As you move away from your Pregnant & New Mums stage of life, we welcome you as a Glocal Mum.


Stories & Songs

Select Tuesdays @ 9.30 - 10.30am @ Zug Library

Join for an hour of Story Telling, Songs and Craft with your little ones.


Pregnant & New Mums 2024 and earlier

Depending on your Due Date. Contact us to find your group.

Are you pregnant or mum to a new baby (doesn't have to be your first!)? Join our Pregnant & New Mums Groups to meet other parents going through similar experiences.


Supper Sisters

Freiruum, Thursday evenings from 19:30

The Supper Sisters is for women over 40 looking for friendship, connection and laughter.


Positive Menopause Switzerland

Online with meetups across Switzerland

Finally! A group to help connect and comfort the international and local community here in Zug and the rest of Switzerland.


Dads Group

Details on the WhatsApp group.

Dad - are you looking to connect too? Join our Dads Group and grow your community!


Zug Families


A friendly space providing support to local and Glocal members of the Zug community online. This is a safe space to share information, express ideas & ask questions.


Pregnant & New Mums DUE 2025

Depending on your Due Date. Contact us to find your group.

Are you pregnant or mum to a new baby (doesn't have to be your first!)? Join our Pregnant & New Mums Groups to meet other parents going through similar experiences.


Infant Feeding/Stilltreff

Monthly breast and infant feeding meet-up. Check website for dates and times.

This Monthly Drop in is for parents looking for some simple guidance for their infant feeding journey.

Nelle news

Il Glocale ècrescentee lo siamoorgogliosodei nostri successi. Siamo anche orgogliosi della nostra comunitàsuccessoe condividerà sempre qualsiasi notizia che possa aiutare a migliorare la salute mentale.

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